Thursday, February 5, 2015

Facade Mechanics Information

Facade Mechanics


Real World Examples

Examples of Operable facade mechanics and details. 
In order from top to bottom, Step motor attached to cable, Linear Actuator Arms, Hydroponic pump on pivot arm, Step motor with cable cord, common motor used in operable louver facades.


Notable System 

Shown is a previous M.Arch project using operable panel project using the same technique as the Kiefer technic showroom ( Kiefer uses a motor and cord system attached to wheels within the inset groove of the vertical bracing. Cords attached to the motor reel up the wheels attached to the corners of the facade much like a fishing rod.

Physical Model Mechanics

Ardiuno board can be used to do simple tasks as to turn off and on LED light or as complicates to control whole house HVAC, indoor/outdoor temps, and ceiling fan speeds. Current projects documents on the Ardiuno website range from wifi controlled RC cars to iphone operated missile lauch buttons. Implementation of Ardiuno boards in architectural physical models is becoming more popular as the demand for operable pieces rise. Ardiuno is a very feasible route for physicals models to meet the expectations of portraying an operable facade.
Arduino Explanation and Uses

Types of Ardiuno Boards

Relevant Arduino Board Product Information


Cad Download

Arduino Resources

Suggested Ardiuno Board and Micro Controller

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